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Prayer Requests : Prayer Request Forum : September 21st, 2024 Ben's Film Prayers
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September 21st, 2024 Ben's Film Prayers

Benjamin Johnson
Posted: 21 September 2024 - 04:43 PM



Here are my prayers for Holy Mass:

Prayers for Holy Mass:

Today, I already prayed that ALL OF THIS will happen:

Lord Jesus Christ and Saint Michael the Archangel (my patron saint and Confirmation saint), please make sure that ALL OF THIS HAPPENS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AND IMMEDIATELY:

-I would be able to live independently wherever I want anywhere in the world. This means I would be able to travel to New York, California, Los Angeles, Hollywood, and Austin if I wanted. I could also live independently there if I wanted.

-I would be able to go to movie theatres again.

-I would finally be able to RESUME writing, producing, and directing major full length narrative motion pictures again.

-I wouldn't be cancelled nor replaced anymore.

-I would be able to write, produce, and direct ONLY 13 major full length narrative motion pictures, and they would be the best major full length narrative motion pictures of all time.

-My short films (A Sassy Day for Hitch, Marty, and Big Stan, Jesus Has the Birthday Blues, and Before the Reception) that I wrote, produced, and directed when I was an undergraduate at UT-Austin film school during the year 2017 would finally be appreciated, loved, adored, promoted, and praised by many people around the world.

-My post-undergrad short film Quack would finally be appreciated, loved, adored, promoted, and praised by many people around the world.

-I would be: an auteur film director, the best artist of all time, the best auteur of all time, the best film director of all time, and the best author of all time.

-I'll ALWAYS live the rest of my life as: an auteur artist, the best artist of all time, the best author of all time, an auteur film director, and the best film director of all time

-I would be able to write, produce, and direct ANY MAJOR FULL LENGTH NARRATIVE MOTION PICTURE I WANT.


I (Benjamin Garrett Johnson, born on July 25th, 1989 in Houston Texas at 535pm) would have a really successful, long-term, consistently excellent and masterful filmography and career of being the best artist of all time who writes, produces, and directs the best major full length narrative motion pictures of all time for the rest of my life; that every major full length narrative motion picture I direct I also write and produce them (whereas I'll be the writer, producer, and director of every major full length narrative motion picture I direct); that I write, produce, and direct the best major full length narrative motion pictures of all time, and that every major full length narrative motion picture that I write, produce, and direct will always be: a real epically powerful intense legendary ever-lasting long-lasting work of art, a really extremely epically excellent intense powerful legendary ever-lasting long-lasting artistic cinematic masterpiece, the best major full length narrative motion picture of all time, a huge major epic massive critical success all around the world, a huge major epic massive financial box office success all around the world, extremely popular all around the world, extremely famous all around the world, extremely cinematic in quality, and extremely entertaining in quality; that the quality of every major full length narrative motion picture I write, produce, and direct will always be an epic combination of being extremely avant garde, extremely arthouse, and extremely mainstream; that I write, produce, and direct ONLY a quantitative total of 13 major full length narrative motion pictures, and that every one of those 13 major full length narrative motion pictures will be: a real epically powerful intense legendary ever-lasting long-lasting work of art, a really extremely epically excellent intense powerful legendary ever-lasting long-lasting artistic cinematic masterpiece, the best major full length narrative motion picture of all time, a huge major epic massive critical success all around the world, a huge major epic massive financial box office success all around the world, extremely popular all around the world, extremely famous all around the world, extremely cinematic in quality, and extremely entertaining in quality; that I write, produce, and direct ONLY 13 major full length narrative motion pictures, and that every major full length narrative motion picture that I write, produce, and direct will always have an excellent, awesome, and amazing screenplay; that every major full length narrative motion picture that I write, produce, and direct will always have excellent amazing and awesome performances from my cast of actors, excellent awesome and amazing cinematography, excellent amazing and awesome film editing, excellent amazing and awesome casting, excellent amazing and awesome production design, excellent amazing and awesome costume design, excellent amazing and awesome assistant directors, excellent amazing and awesome production managers, excellent amazing and awesome music, excellent amazing and awesome sound design, excellent amazing and awesome sound mixing, excellent amazing and awesome sound editing, and excellent amazing and awesome on-set sound recording; that every major full length narrative motion picture I write, produce, and direct will always be excellently, amazingly, awesomely, flawlessly, and perfectly directed by me (Benjamin Garrett Johnson, born on July 25th, 1989 in Houston Texas at 535pm); that all 13 major full length narrative motion pictures that I write, produce, and direct will be 3 crime thrillers (gangster pictures), 9 Alfred Hitchcockian suspense-thrillers, and 1 post-apocalyptic dystopian futuristic science fiction epic that will also have elements of the Book of Revelation in it; that all 13 major full length narrative motion pictures I write, produce, and direct will be about various subject matters in the conspiracy theory-conspiracy research community; that every major full length narrative motion picture I write, produce, and direct will be greenlit, financed, and distributed by Warner Brothers Pictures; that every major full length narrative motion picture I write, produce, and direct will be fully supported by both the Criterion Collection and Janus Films; that every major full length narrative motion picture I write, produce, and direct will be fully part of the Criterion Collection; that every major full length narrative motion picture I write, produce, and direct will always credit me as WRITTEN, PRODUCED, AND DIRECTED BY BENJAMIN GARRETT JOHNSON; that every major full length narrative motion picture I write, produce, and direct will be filmed on CELLULOID FILM ONLY; that I always have 100 percent Final Cut and full constant absolute authority on every major full length narrative motion picture I write, produce, and direct; that every major full length narrative motion picture I write, produce, and direct will be screened in ONLY movie theatres in every town, every city, every State, and every country ALL AROUND THE WORLD during the initial domestic and international theatrical release and distribution for every major full length narrative motion picture that I write, produce, and direct; that every major full length narrative motion picture I write, produce, and direct is NEVER SABOTAGED BY ANYBODY; that everybody in the world sees every major full length narrative motion picture that I write, produce, and direct in its entirety (every frame) from beginning to end; that I'll earn AT LEAST $9.75 billion dollars in monetary revenue that I will always have for the remainder of my life as a direct result of my writing, producing, and directing these 13 major full length narrative motion pictures; that every major full length narrative motion picture I write, produce, and direct will be at least NOMINATED for a Best Picture Oscar, a Best Director Oscar, and a Best Original Screenplay Oscar at the Academy Awards; that I'll WIN 4 Best Original Screenplay Oscars at the Academy Awards, 4 Best Director Oscars at the Academy Awards, 4 Best Picture Oscars at the Academy Awards, 3 Palme d'Ors at the Cannes Film Festival, 3 Golden Bear Awards at the Berlin International Film Festival, and 3 Golden Lion Awards at the Venice International Film Festival; (PLEASE ALWAYS MAKE SURE THAT ALL OF THIS HAPPENS IMMEDIATELY AND AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!)

Here is the worldwide box office revenue that all of my 13 major full length narrative motion pictures [three crime thrillers (all of them gangster pictures), nine Alfred Hitchcockian suspense thrillers, and one post apocalyptic dystopian futuristic sci-fi epic] will earn at the box office during initial domestic and international distribution in movie theatres all around the world (worldwide).

THE FIRST BIG ONE: Worldwide Box Office Revenue: at least $3 billion

THE SECOND BIG ONE: Worldwide Box Office Revenue: at least $3 billion

THE THIRD BIG ONE: Worldwide Box Office Revenue: at least $3 billion

THE FOURTH BIG ONE: Worldwide Box Office Revenue: at least $3 billion

THE FIFTH BIG ONE: Worldwide Box Office Revenue: at least $3 billion

THE SIXTH BIG ONE: Worldwide Box Office Revenue: at least $3 billion

THE SEVENTH BIG ONE: Worldwide Box Office Revenue: at least $3 billion

THE EIGHTH BIG ONE: Worldwide Box Office Revenue: at least $3 billion

THE NINTH BIG ONE: Worldwide Box Office Revenue: at least $3 billion

THE TENTH BIG ONE: Worldwide Box Office Revenue: at least $3 billion

THE ELEVENTH BIG ONE: Worldwide Box Office Revenue: at least $3 billion

THE TWELFTH BIG ONE: Worldwide Box Office Revenue: at least $3 billion

THE THIRTEENTH BIG ONE: Worldwide Box Office Revenue: at least $3 billion

In my contracts for all of the 13 major full length narrative motion pictures I write, produce, and direct, I will demand that I obtain 25 percent of the box office revenue, domestic and international. This means I will earn at least $9.75 billion dollars from the worldwide box office revenue from the 13 major full length narrative motion pictures I write, produce, and direct.

Here are the awards that I will win for my 13 major full length narrative motion pictures [three crime thrillers (all of them gangster pictures), nine Alfred Hitchcockian suspense thrillers, and one post apocalyptic dystopian futuristic sci-fi epic]:

THE FIRST BIG ONE: Best Picture Oscar, Best Director Oscar, Best Original Screenplay Oscar (Academy Awards)

THE SECOND BIG ONE: Palme d'Or (Cannes Film Festival)

THE THIRD BIG ONE: Palme d'Or (Cannes Film Festival)

THE FOURTH BIG ONE: Golden Lion Award (Venice International Film Festival)

THE FIFTH BIG ONE: Golden Lion Award (Venice International Film Festival)

THE SIXTH BIG ONE: Golden Bear Award (Berlin International Film Festival)

THE SEVENTH BIG ONE: Best Picture Oscar, Best Director Oscar, Best Original Screenplay Oscar (Academy Awards)

THE EIGHTH BIG ONE: Palme d'Or (Cannes Film Festival)

THE NINTH BIG ONE: Golden Bear Award (Berlin International Film Festival)

THE TENTH BIG ONE: Golden Bear Award (Berlin International Film Festival)

THE ELEVENTH BIG ONE: Golden Lion Award (Venice International Film Festival)

THE TWELFTH BIG ONE: Best Picture Oscar, Best Director Oscar, Best Original Screenplay Oscar (Academy Awards)

THE THIRTEENTH BIG ONE: Best Picture Oscar, Best Director Oscar, Best Original Screenplay Oscar (Academy Awards)

And that's it.


Yours Truly,
Benjamin Garrett Johnson
Prayer Requests : Prayer Request Forum : September 21st, 2024 Ben's Film Prayers

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