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Prayer Requests : Prayer Request Forum : July 14th, 2024 Prayers
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July 14th, 2024 Prayers

Benjamin Garrett Johnson
Posted: 14 July 2024 - 01:09 PM
Please immediately pray all of this:

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, please always make sure that all of Benjamin Garrett Johnson's prayers, prayer messages, intentions, and prayer intentions will be honored, respected, and obeyed.

Lord Jesus Christ, please always make sure that all of the Jewish Hollywood Deep Church cult abuse attacks against Benjamin Garrett Johnson will FINALLY FOREVER STOP HAPPENING.

Lord Jesus Christ, please make sure that Benjamin Garrett Johnson will not be subjected to any more targeted individual tactics, gangstalking tactics, MK ULTRA tactics, nor COINTELPRO tactics anymore.

Lord Jesus Christ, please always make sure that Benjamin Garrett Johnson will finally get all of his life, future, freedoms, liberties, rights, humanity, career, and job back.

Lord Jesus Christ, please immediately make sure that Steven Spielberg, Helen Morris, Martin Scorsese, Robert De Niro, Quentin Tarantino, Robert Rodriguez, Richard Linklater, Rachel Skye Smith, Jordan Parazalla, and Elias Hinojosa will be immediately prosecuted and convicted of organized crime activity (including their heavy and direct involvement in the global trafficking network) and terrorism (such as their heavy and direct involvement in ANTIFA and BLM terrorism, Freemasonry terrorism, Illuminati terrorism, OTO terrorism, targeted individual programs, gangstalking programs, MK ULTRA programs, and COINTELPRO programs).

Lord Jesus Christ, please immediately make sure that Steven Spielberg, Helen Morris, Martin Scorsese, Robert De Niro, Quentin Tarantino, Robert Rodriguez, Richard Linklater, Rachel Skye Smith, Jordan Parazalla, and Elias Hinojosa will be immediately sentenced to life in prison (without any possibilities of parole) and the death penalty because of these crimes of theirs.

Lord Jesus Christ, please immediately make sure that Amblin Entertainment, Sikelia Filmproductions, Tribeca Film Center, Austin Film Society, Detour Filmproductions, and Troublemaker Studios will be immediately shut down forever because of this.

Lord Jesus Christ, please make sure that all members of ANTIFA and BLM in the United States of America will be prosecuted and convicted of terrorism, and will be sentenced to life in prison and the death penalty.

Lord Jesus Christ, please make sure that Benjamin Garrett Johnson wins a lot of money in the lottery. This is because Benjamin Garrett Johnson suffered massive severe and extreme amounts of cold blooded Jewish Hollywood Deep Church cult abuse for an extremely long time. Thus, Benjamin Garrett Johnson is entitled to a lot of monetary compensation as a result. So, Lord Jesus Christ, please make sure that Benjamin Garrett Johnson wins a lot of money in the lottery.

Lord Jesus Christ, please always make sure that Benjamin Garrett Johnson will be the best film director of all time, the best auteur film director of all time, the best artist of all time, and the best author of all time.

Lord Jesus Christ, please always make sure that Benjamin Garrett Johnson will write, produce, and direct ONLY 13 major full length narrative motion pictures, and that they will all be the best films of all time.

Lord Jesus Christ, please always make sure that Steven Lopes will be the next Archbishop and Cardinal of the Archdiocese of Galveston Houston.

Lord Jesus Christ, please always make sure that Raymond Cardinal Burke will be the 267th Pope, and that his papal name will be Pope Benedict XVII (the Seventeenth).

Lord Jesus Christ, please always make sure that Donald J Trump Sr will be the 47th President of the United States of America, and that his 47th Presidency will occur during the years 2025-2028.

Lord Jesus Christ, please always make sure that Bishop Athanasius Schneider will be the 268th Pope, and that his papal name will be Pope Benedict XVIII (the Eighteenth).

Lord Jesus Christ, please always make sure that Brother Michael Dimond (or Brother Peter Dimond) will be the 269th Pope, and that his papal name will be Pope Benedict XIX (the Nineteenth)

Lord Jesus Christ, please forever abolish all Satanic cults (such as Judaism, Freemasonry, Illuminati, OTO, the Deep Church, etc), all organized crime groups, all pedophile cults, Liberalism, Globalism, all corrupt criminal tyrannical institutions, all corrupt criminal tyrannical organizations, all corrupt criminal tyrannical governments, Novus Ordo Catholicism, Catholic theological modernism, the Second Vatican Council, Zionism, all targeted individual programs, all gangstalking programs, all MK ULTRA programs, all COINTELPRO programs, and the New World Order.

Lord Jesus Christ, please make sure that everybody in the world converts towards 1570 Traditionalist Catholicism Feeneyism, and please make sure that everybody in the world will be a 1570 Traditionalist Catholic Feeneyite forever.

Lord Jesus Christ, please always make sure that Benjamin Garrett Johnson and Benjamin Garrett Johnson's parents (Reggie and Mary) go to Heaven for all of eternity.


In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Prayer Requests : Prayer Request Forum : July 14th, 2024 Prayers

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