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Prayer Requests : Prayer Request Forum : My daughter Mariana
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My daughter Mariana

Posted: 11 June 2024 - 08:51 AM
Dear Heavenly Father, please soften Mariana's heart and cause her to reach out to her Mother,Regina. Please give her a heart of flesh as opposed to a heart of Stone as the scriptures say. Please take away any bitterness and/or UN forgiveness in her heart towards her Mother and others. Please send a Christian friend into her life that can lead Mariana in the right path and to do the right thing which is to contact her mother. Dear Jesus, please comfort Regina and give her peace. Please send good people to love Regina and to be a comfort to her. In Jesus name, Amen!
Posted: 11 June 2024 - 07:49 AM
Ten years ago my daughter stop to contact me
I am requesting a special prayer for her contact me
Prayer Requests : Prayer Request Forum : My daughter Mariana

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