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Lourdes Prayer Request
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Lourdes Prayer Request

FREE Catholic Prayer Requests Online, have your intentions placed at the Grotto in Lourdes today!

Lourdes Online Prayer Form

If you would like us to deliver a prayer for you, please complete the details on the online prayer form below:

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Free Catholic Prayer Request

Catholic Prayer Requests to Our Lady of Lourdessubmit with our FREE online Prayer request service.

Your petition will be placed at the Grotto in Lourdes and your intentions prayed for by a Priest, as quickly as possible. Millions of pilgrims visit Lourdes each year and many of them place their prayers at the Grotto.

It is Catholic tradition in Lourdes, to ask for prayers in memory and in hope. There is a prayer intentions box next to the Our Lady of Lourdes statue at the Grotto, in the Lourdes Sanctuary, where prayer intentions can be deposited. All prayers are read by one of the Priests here in Lourdes and as many prayers as possible are read out during Mass.


Prayer Request Box in Lourdes Grotto

Whatever the needs are, prayer can provide Catholics with strong belief, to any situation one may be faced with. Many people find prayers to assist them in everyday life and with any difficulties they may have before them. We understand your intentions are sacred and you can be assured that they will be kept strictly confidential. If you would like to submit a mass request, you may do so here: Lourdes Mass Requests

Lourdes Donations

Donations are purely optional, however, if you would like to make a donation to assist with the running costs of this free service, you may donate here: Lourdes Donations

    FREE Online Catholic Prayer Request / Petition / Intention

    Prayer Request

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