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Prayer Requests : Prayer Request Forum : My niece Sydney
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My niece Sydney

Posted: 11 June 2024 - 09:17 AM
This is my first time using the prayer request line. The other day, my niece who is almost 21 years old told me she wanted to have a baby. She?s still in college. I tried to explain to her the importance of finishing school and waiting until the right person.comes along. She is so far from God that it scares me. She told me she wanted to drop out of school because it was too hard. She?s very smart girl. She could have a bright future, but I?m afraid she?s gonna ruin it because of her thought process. She likes to party too much. She?s very promiscuous and doesn?t care about her safety, well-being or what this could do to her soul please pray for her I don?t know what else to say or do for her. I?m so worried for her. Thank you.
Prayer Requests : Prayer Request Forum : My niece Sydney

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