Writer-Producer-Director: BENJAMIN JOHNSON
GENRE: Thriller
LOGLINE: An election worker is forced against her will by a shadowy figure to participate in an organized and conspiratorial theft of the US Presidential election on Election Day.
TREATMENT (incomplete):
A young man stalks a female election poll worker.
A young man meets a female election poll worker at a bar after stalking her.
The young man roofies her drink.
She gets way too drunk and is taken home by the young man.
The young man ties her up, and rapes her.
He then violently threatens her at knifepoint to do all of this the next day (election day):
-In the late morning, participate in a cyberattack; leave the polling site, claiming you must report to the election precinct at County headquarters
-In the late morning and afternoon, traffick ballots to drop boxes
-Right after polling closes, switch out the voting machines with rigged ones
-switch out pro Republican ballots with trafficked pro Democrat ballots
-play a role as a crisis victim in a staged false flag attack to ensure a federal executive branch takeover of the US election process to steal the election from the Republican candidate in favor of the Democrat candidate
And that's it.
The rest of the film is about that process as she tries to save the election by defeating and thwarting their attempts to use her to steal the election on Election Day.
(Continued at a future date)