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Prayer Requests : Prayer Request Forum : More information on how Bergoglio stole the Papacy from Ratzinger in 2013
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More information on how Bergoglio stole the Papacy from Ratzinger in 2013

Benjamin Johnson
Posted: 06 December 2024 - 06:33 AM
As it was revealed in the Deep Church Podesta emails connected to Illuminati Hillary Clinton in 2007, and as it was revealed in the 2010-2013 Deep Church DiNardo letters, Hollywood Illuminati Steven Spielberg, Helen Morris, Martin Scorsese, Robert De Niro, other Hollywood Illuminati, Deep Church 33rd Degree Freemasons Jorge Bergoglio, and Daniel DiNardo conspired with one another as early as 2007 to oust Ratzinger and replace him with Bergoglio. In addition to this, it was revealed in a November 12th, 2024 interview between Jerome Corsi and Mike McCormick that those conspirators enlisted the help and involvement of Deep Church 33rd Degree Freemason Theodore McCarrick to form a relationship with Illuminati Barack Obama and Deep Church 33rd Degree Freemason Joe Biden from 2009-2012 to use the involvement, resources, and reach of the CIA so that all of these conspirators (such as the Rothschild dynasty, the Israeli government, Illuminati in Hollywood, Deep Church Illuminati, and Deep Church 33rd Degree Freemasons in Israel, England, New York, California, and Texas) conspire with one another to oust Ratzinger and replace him with Jorge Bergoglio in 2013. Through this relationship involving Illuminati Barack Obama, Illuminati Hillary Clinton, Deep Church 33rd Degree Freemason Joe Biden, and the CIA, this tremendously expanded the Deep Church's role and power in the global trafficking network (a global trafficking network which already heavily and directly involves the Rothschild dynasty, the Israeli government, Illuminati in Hollywood, Deep Church Illuminati, and Deep Church 33rd Degree Freemasons in Israel, Italy, England, New York, California, and Texas--all of whom are already mentioned repeatedly in this GAB report) through involvement in Biden-Obama-Clinton left wing immigration policies in South America, Central America, and the USA-Mexico border. This also involved and required a much greater Deep Church role in creating and manufacturing illegal immigration crises and migration crises (advancing the Jewish Kalergi Plan and the Jewish United Nations migration replacement plan) in the United States of America and Europe. (*During this time, McCarrick diverted US taxpayer funds and Catholic Charities funds into the global trafficking network connected to the Biden-Obama-Clinton 2014 policy Alliance for Prosperity; it is also worth mentioning that, during this time, the CIA also laundered money through Health and Human Services directly connected with funneling laundered money through the US Conference of Catholic Bishops).

More information about this can be found here in my GAB report:
Prayer Requests : Prayer Request Forum : More information on how Bergoglio stole the Papacy from Ratzinger in 2013

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