The Traditionalist Catholic movement must regain absolute and complete and permanent control of all of the Holy Catholic Church. All Satanic cults, all pedophile cults, all organized crime groups, the New World Order cabal, and the Jew World Order cabal must be completely expelled from the Holy Catholic Church. And 1570 Traditionalist Catholicism Feeneyism must be the absolute standard norm in the Holy Catholic Church all around the world.
The Conspiracy Theory-Conspiracy Research community and the Truth movement must go completely mainstream all around the world. They must seize absolute and complete control of the Right Wing in America and all around the world.
We must elect a Right Wing leader to be President of the United States of America who would abolish all Satanic cults, all pedophile cults, all organized crime groups, the New World Order cabal, and the Jew World Order cabal in America and all around the world.
Secretary of State: Texe Marrs Secretary of the Treasury: Murray Rothbard Secretary of the Interior: Mark Koernke Secretary of Agriculture: Bob Fletcher Attorney General: Ana Toledo Deputy Attorney General: John De Camp Secretary of Commerce: Hans Hermann Hoppe Secretary of Labor: An Anarcho Capitalist Libertarian Secretary of Defense: Milton William Cooper Secretary of Housing and Urban Development: Lysander Spooner Secretary of Transportation: An Anarcho Capitalist Libertarian who is also against corruption and organized criminality Secretary of Energy: Ron Paul Secretary of Health and Human Services: Dr. Rima Laibow Secretary of Education: Harlan Dietrich Secretary of Veterans Affairs: An Anarcho Capitalist Libertarian Secretary of Homeland Security: Jon Minadeo II
Director of Department of Government Efficiency: David Nolan
Director of FBI: Ted Gunderson Director of CIA: General Mike Flynn Director of FDA: Mike Adams Director of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (and Border Czar): Michael Yon Director of DEA: Michael Ruppert Director of ATF: Brandon Herrera Director of NSA: Daryl Bradford Smith Surgeon General: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
Administrator of EPA: An Environmentalist Anarcho Capitalist Libertarian Director of the Office of Management and Budget: An Anarcho Capitalist Libertarian Director of National Intelligence: Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Trade Representative: An Anarcho Capitalist Libertarian Chair of the Council of Economic Advisors: An Anarcho Capitalist Libertarian Administrator of the Small Business Administration: An Anarcho Capitalist Libertarian Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy: An Anarcho Capitalist Libertarian Ambassador to the United Nations: David Irving White House Chief of Staff: Fritz Springmeier
I would use the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the DNI, and the DEA to take down, defeat, and abolish all Satanic cults (Judaism, Illuminati, Freemasonry, OTO, etc), all pedophile cults, all organized crime groups, the New World Order cabal, and the Jew World Order cabal in America and all around the world.
After that is accomplished, after we drain the swamp in America and all around the world, after we defeat and abolish all Satanic cults, all pedophile cults, all organized crime groups, the New World Order cabal, and the Jew World Order cabal, THEN we can begin abolishing the government in America, and begin transitioning America to an Ultra Far Right Alt Right Radical Right Right Wing Populist Paleo-Conservative National Socialist Fascist Libertarian Anarchist civilization and society where Ultimate Freedom, Ultimate Liberty, Absolute Freedom, and Absolute Liberty would reign supreme, and the only religion would be 1570 Traditionalist Catholicism Feeneyism.
And we would directly cause all other nations in the world to undergo the same measures.
Lord Jesus Christ, please make sure that the Democrat Party, the Globalists, all Satanic cults (including Judaism, Freemasonry, Illuminati, OTO, etc), all organized crime groups, all pedophile cults, the Shadow Government, the Deep State, all corrupt criminal tyrannical organizations, all corrupt criminal tyrannical institutions, all corrupt criminal tyrannical governments, all corruption, all organized criminality, all tyranny, the New World Order cabal, and the Jew World Order cabal are forever defeated, abolished, and overthrown so that ultimate freedom, ultimate liberty, free humanity, and The Kingdom of The Lord Jesus Christ can finally be restored.
Lord Jesus Christ, please abolish all Satanic cults (including Judaism, Freemasonry, Illuminati, OTO, etc), all pedophile cults, all organized crime groups, the New World Order, and the Jew World Order.
Lord Jesus Christ, please prosecute, convict, sentence to death, and abolish all corruption, organized criminality, and tyranny that occurs in Hollywood and in the film business in general in the United States of America. Permanently prohibit all kinds of corruption, organized criminality, and tyranny from occurring inside Hollywood and the film business in the United States of America.
Lord Jesus Christ, please make sure that Satanism, all Satanic cults (i.e. Judaism, Freemasonry, Illuminati, OTO, Thelema, Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Zoroastrianism, Saturnalianism, all New Age religions, Islam, Judaism, Zionism, the Priory of Sion, the Pagan Luciferian Satanic government of Rome, all Satanic Luciferian Occultic Egyptian Babylonian Mystery Religions, etc), all pedophile cults, all organized crime groups (i.e. mafias, cartels, etc), all corrupt criminal people in the film business, all corrupt criminal people in the television industry, all corrupt criminal people in the music industry, all corrupt criminal people in the advertising industry, all corrupt criminal people in Hollywood, all corrupt criminal people in the arts and entertainment industry, all corrupt criminal people in the media and entertainment industry, all corrupt criminal people in the news media industry, all corrupt criminal people everywhere in the world, Judaism, Zionism, the Priory of Sion, all the Annunaki-Nephilim-Reptilians, the Merovingian dynasty, the Orsini dynasty, the Aldobrandini dynasty, the Este dynasty, the Colonna dynasty, the Chigi dynasty, the Borgia dynasty, the Breakspear dynasty, the Somaglia dynasty, the Conti dynasty, the Farnese dynasty, the Gaetani dynasty, the Pamphili dynasty, the Pallavicini dynasty, the Massimo dynasty, the Pippinid dynasty, the Arnolfingian dynasty, the Carolingian dynasty, the Charlemagne dynasty, the Nikephorian dynasty, the Obertenghi dynasty, the Bourbon dynasty, the Capetian dynasty, the Robertian dynasty, the Babenberg dynasty, the Popponid dynasty, the Welf dynasty, the Hohenstaufen dynasty, the Orange-Nassau dynasty, the Stuart dynasty, the Bauer dynasty, the Bruce dynasty, the Cavendish dynasty, the Medici dynasty, the Del Banco dynasty, the Hanover dynasty, the Hapsburg dynasty, the Krupp dynasty, the Plantagenet dynasty, the Rockefeller dynasty, the Romanov dynasty, the Sinclair dynasty, the Warburg dynasty, the Saxon-Coburg Goethe dynasty, the Windsor dynasty, the Rothschild dynasty, the Bundy dynasty, the Du Pont dynasty, the Freeman dynasty, the Collins dynasty, the Li dynasty, the Onassis dynasty, the Astor dynasty, the Russell dynasty, the Van Duyn dynasty, the Morgan dynasty, the Carnegie dynasty, the Schiff dynasty, the Oppenheimer dynasty, the Bronfman dynasty, the Schwab dynasty, the Soros dynasty, the Harari dynasty, the Fink dynasty, the Attali dynasty, all Satanic cult members, all pedophiles, all Deep Church members, all corrupt and criminal people in the Catholic Church, all members of the Satanic Luciferian Masonic Illuminati Jewish Zionist Globalist Antichrist New World Order, all corrupt and criminal organizations, all corrupt and criminal institutions, Liberalism, Progressivism, Democracy, Globalism, Socialism, Communism, Marxism, Bolshevism, Technocracy, Corporatism, Authoritarianism, Totalitarianism, Atheism, Agnosticism, all targeted individual programs, all gangstalking programs, all MK ULTRA programs, all COINTELPRO programs, the Second Vatican Council, Catholic theological modernism, Novus Ordo Catholicism, oppression, persecution, tyranny, warmongering, warfare, dehumanization, abortion, euthanasia, pedophilia, homosexuality, bisexuality, transgenderism, transhumanism, AI transhumanism, the LGBTQPS movement, eugenics, genocide, democide, ethnic replacement, enslavement, all States, the State in general, all governments, all financial institutions, all banks, the New World Order, the Jew World Order, and the Satanic Luciferian Masonic Illuminati Jewish Zionist Globalist Antichrist New World Order all around the world WILL BE IMMEDIATELY ELIMINATED, ERADICATED, AND ABOLISHED!
Lord Jesus Christ, please make sure that there will be a forever global recognition of and a forever infinite global increase in all the freedoms, liberties, and humanity both for and of EVERY INDIVIDUAL in the world! Lord Jesus Christ, please make sure that all of this will be accomplished by: abolishing all organized religions (except for 1570 Traditionalist Catholicism), abolishing all cults; abolishing the State; abolishing all States; abolishing all governments; abolishing all taxes; abolishing all forms of taxation; abolishing all financial institutions; and abolishing all banks everywhere in the world.
Lord Jesus Christ, please make sure that ALL OF US (EVERYBODY IN THE WORLD) eventually become both a forever society and a forever civilization of individuals (all of whom are individually self-sovereign, self-governing, and self-autonomous) where recognition and exercising of infinite and limitless freedom and liberty (all freedoms and all liberties) for every individual is both the main priority and the ONLY PRIORITY! Lord Jesus Christ, please make sure that all of us (everybody in the world) eventually become both a forever society and a forever civilization of individuals (all of whom are individually self-sovereign, self-governing, and self-autonomous) where An Absolute Theocratic Monarchy consisting of the descendants of The Lord Jesus Joyce Cloudy Christ's bloodline being the ONLY Holy Royal Kings-Queens-Theocratic Monarchs in the world, a one world religion of 1570 Traditionalist Catholicism Feeneyism, and the political ideologies of: a Theocracy, 1570 Traditionalist Catholicism, Feeneyism, Quo Primum, the Council of Basel, the Council of Florence, Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio, the Council of Trent, the First Vatican Council, Christian Libertarianism, Christian Anarchism, Anti-Judaism, Anti-Zionism, Anti-Satanism, Anti-Modernism, Anti-Globalism, Right-Wing Populism, Far-Right Extremism, Alt-Right Extremism, Radical-Right Extremism, Ultra-Conservatism, Hitlerism, National Socialism, Fascism, Trumpism, Patriotism, Abolitionism, Paleo-Conservatism, Social Conservatism, Cultural Conservatism, Fiscal Conservatism, Individualism, Libertarianism, Left-Libertarianism, Right-Libertarianism, Libertarian Conservatism, Paleo-Libertarianism, Libertarian Anarchism, Anarcho-Capitalism, Anarchism, Free Market Anarchism, Individualist Anarchism, Civil Libertarianism, Natural Rights Libertarianism, Consequentialist Libertarianism, Green-Environmentalist Libertarianism, Propertarianism, Agorism, Mutualism, Voluntaryism, Anti-Authoritarianism, Anti-Statism, Anti-Government, Laissez Faire Economics, Austrian School Economics, Anarcho Pacifism, Anti-Imperialism, Isolationism, Non-Interventionism, Autarchism, Decentralization, Secessionism, Pan-Secessionism, Decentralization and Secession of all countries-states-cities-towns in the world, Libertarian Humanitarianism, Vigilantism, Communalism, the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution, the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution, the 13th Amendment of the US Constitution, the Libertarian Non-Aggression Principle, Anti-Militarism, Anti-War, Pacifism, Absolute Freedom, Ultimate Freedom, Absolute Liberty, and Ultimate Liberty are the only foundations and norms! Lord Jesus Christ, please make sure that all of this lasts forever.
Lord Jesus Christ, please make sure that the Holy Catholic Church, the Holy Mass, the Holy Priesthood of the The Lord Jesus Christ, and 1570 Traditionalist Catholicism WILL NEVER BE ABOLISHED!
Lord Jesus Christ, please make sure that 1570 Traditionalist Catholicism will be the ONLY religion in the world! Lord Jesus Christ, please make sure that this lasts forever.
Lord Jesus Christ, please make sure that EVERYBODY IN THE WORLD becomes a 1570 Traditionalist Catholic Feeneyite FOREVER!