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Prayer Requests : Prayer Request Forum : Tomas Loskot
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Tomas Loskot

Posted: 10 June 2024 - 11:24 PM
Dear Jesus, I pray for Candice's son, Tomas who has an addiction and mental illness. I pray that you would help him attend a program that can address his addiction and mental illness at the same time. I pray that he will take the medicine that the doctors give him for his mental illness that will hopefully make him not want to be addicted to a substance that is not a medicine. Lord Jesus, please place your healing touch on Tomas and give his family peace about the situation. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen
Candice Karina Maria Loskot
Posted: 10 June 2024 - 08:02 PM
I would like to request a prayer for my son who is
Battling an addiction with alcohol. He has also a mental illness called Pschosis. Please pray for him to stop his addiction. Thanking You.
Prayer Requests : Prayer Request Forum : Tomas Loskot

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