The Jews, Illuminati, and Freemasons (especially including the Jewish Rothschild dynasty, the Jewish Israeli government, Hollywood Illuminati Steven Spielberg, Hollywood Illuminati Helen Morris, Hollywood Illuminati Martin Scorsese, Hollywood Illuminati Robert De Niro, Hollywood Illuminati Quentin Tarantino, Hollywood Illuminati Robert Rodriguez, Hollywood Illuminati Richard Linklater, Hollywood Illuminati Rachel Skye Smith, Hollywood Illuminati Jordan Parazalla, Hollywood Illuminati Elias Hinojosa, Deep Church 33rd Degree Freemason Jorge Bergoglio, Deep Church 33rd Degree Freemason Daniel DiNardo, Deep Church 33rd Degree Freemason Italo Dell Oro, Deep Church 33rd Degree Freemason Joe Vasquez, Deep Church 33rd Degree Freemason Daniel Garcia, Deep Church 33rd Degree Freemason Daniel Flores, Deep Church 33rd Degree Freemason Jeff Bame, and Deep Church 33rd Degree Freemason Troy Gately) are persecuting me for posting in this prayer forum.
Well, I'm going to continue posting my prayers and prayer messages in this prayer forum.