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Prayer Requests : Prayer Request Forum : prayers for drinking and a job
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prayers for drinking and a job

James White
Posted: 15 September 2024 - 06:56 PM
Pray for me at work and that I do well, get along with others and stay out of trouble..Pray also GOD bless s me with a spouse the right woman and shows me who she is and where to go...Pray we mustually accept one another..Pray GOD shows me the ministry and other things to do for Him...Pray He opens the doors.. pray for mark healong and salvation..Pray for dorothy and ossie safe travels.
Posted: 10 June 2024 - 11:15 PM
Dear heavenly father, I pray that Joshua will find a job and that he will get his life together and seek help for his drinking. I pray that he will go to AA or another rehabilitation program. I pray that with your help he will stick to the program. I thank you for this woman who has been helping him and I pray blessings upon her and ask that you give her long suffering with him, Joshua. I pray that Joshua does not give up and I pray that he can find a job, any job that is pleasing to you. Pray that he will find a cleaning job or anything that is suitable to meet his needs. I pray that he will get to see his son. Lord Jesus please hear our prayers for Joshua and this woman who is trying to help him. In the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit, amen
Posted: 10 June 2024 - 10:47 PM
I have prayed that the Holy Spirit be with him and guide him in his day to day life. Praying that he won't give up and use this time to see what God has given him instead and despite the loss, he may see the wonderful beauty of other relationships, cherish and love everyone more.

I pray that he will find a suitable job, a job that will allow him to continue bask in God's love.

Lastly, I would like to share that I too had a bad encounter, I got scammed and lost my savings, left my job and was wondering what my future will be like, my dad's dementia got worse and I wonder how and what I can do, but all these gave me time to pray more and listen harder to what God's trying to tell me and it also allows me to love more. So I want to share the love I have for this world, for God with you!
DIANA a. sellers
Posted: 10 June 2024 - 09:47 PM
evveryone please pray for Joshua Turbeville i have sent many prayer request for this young man.. Our Lord put im into my life shortly after we lost our son Daniel... he resembles my Daniel and i knew i was to help Joshua. ive been praying and helping $ for over 4 years. he drinks. his story breaks your heart. how he was raised. things that happened to him. hes cried on my shoulder many times i always pray. He needsa a job now, right now. oh Lord you know his heart. his heart is for You. please bless him with a miracle to stop drinking. and he must get a job now. please send him one now. has no money. oh Lord please. i beg you please. ive spent so much $ helping. Joshua needs help. he struggles and wants to stop. has tried many times. hes broke. please help him Lord and prayers for Jennifer, his friend, she is trying to ehlp him too. Prayers he can see his son Jack and at least Jacks mom lets them talk... He adores his son so much.
Prayer Requests : Prayer Request Forum : prayers for drinking and a job

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