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Prayer Requests : Prayer Request Forum : 🙂 Introduce Yourself 🙏
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Posted: 22 August 2024 - 06:11 PM
Dear God my father, Holy Spirit & Mother Mary please pray for my good health of mind,body,and soul from the chemotherapy treatment. Amén 🙏🏻
Posted: 18 August 2024 - 07:51 AM
Hi my name is Alma.
I pray for the everyone who is sick around the world. I pray for their healing and fast recovery.
Posted: 31 July 2024 - 05:05 AM
Ruego por mi salud, y por un nuevo casamiento,y que sea sano y benefico.
Ruego por todos los ninos que no son amados de sus padres
Ruego por todos que son solos, enfermos y flacos
Damian McDonald
Posted: 11 July 2024 - 09:30 PM
Please pray For Dan Robinsonwhom I have known for over 25yrs and turned 47 earlier this week. He is the Husband of my life long friend Leann who I 1st met when she was aged 13 and I was 15. She has stood by me through my troubled teenage years having faith in me, guiding me when I struggled to have faith in myself. Without her at that time I would have ended up on the wrong path and probably not been here today.
They have 2 wonderful young children who I ask Our Lady also to keep safe through these ďifficult times
Dan has recently been diagnosed with Bowel & Liver Cancer and is currently undergoing Chemotherapy.
Our Lady and Lord Jesus Christ please help Dan, Leann, Holly,Sam and their extended family through this time. May the faith Leann showed in me all those years ago be returned and light the way to guide her and young children along the path in any times of difficulty or darkness and let the faith of their Mother and Father be their guiding lights
For many years to come. Amen
Posted: 05 July 2024 - 12:09 PM
Please pray for me to be healed from my chronic illness. I have suffered from painful bladder syndrome and have faith that I can be healthy again.
Margaret Lawson
Posted: 01 July 2024 - 12:41 PM
Dear God,

Heavenly Father Bless us with your LOVE Forgiveness Favor Grace Goodness Mercy and Protection. Please Father God Enlarge our Coasts and Territories. Please Father God show us your will for our lives and future. Please Father God bless Willie Richie and Margaret Lawson with your intercession. Please Father God grant me more of your Holy Spirit.

Thank you Father God you're Magnificent and Amazing the GREAT IAM IAM IAM. IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME WE PRAY ASK AND RECEIVE AMEN!!!
Zach?s Mom
Posted: 23 June 2024 - 09:44 AM
Please Pray for the divine intervention for my young son, Zach, to
be Blessed as a cancer Survivor and Restored to Full Health. Please Pray that the radiation is destroying all the cancer.
mary Beth Belmore
Posted: 21 June 2024 - 09:13 AM
Please pray for me that I get well in every health problem I have. Help my son in his problems also. Amen.
Posted: 14 June 2024 - 01:41 AM
Please pray for me that my AF diabetes and other conditions leave me at peace. I very much need prayers Thankyou
Posted: 13 June 2024 - 06:45 AM
Hello All,
I just read all your prayer requests for the first time and
So saddened by what all of you are going through.
I say the most powerful prayer, the ROSARY
everyday and will add all of you to my list along with
All my Family and Friends I pray for
Please keep me and mine in yours. 🥰🙏
Posted: 12 June 2024 - 03:25 AM
Please pray for healing for my niece, my brother and myself. Thank you
Lizaba I Deepak
Posted: 12 June 2024 - 03:05 AM
Please pray for the marriage of my daughter Lizaba receive grace to receive a good boy as her companion and soulmate
Ijeoma Okonkwo
Posted: 11 June 2024 - 10:58 PM
Thanksgiving to Our Lady of Lourdes for favours received so far. Praying for a new job with security and a good salary. Restoration of my fallen relationships.
Posted: 11 June 2024 - 07:38 PM
Prayers for my sister with cancer, and for my bad financial situation. Might not have a place to live soon. 🙏🏻. Also, so everyone on this board gets answered in their prayers.❤️
Posted: 11 June 2024 - 07:09 PM
Please pray for me
Posted: 11 June 2024 - 05:34 PM
Dear God my father, the son Jesus, Holy Spirit and Mother Mary please pray for my good health of mind body and soul! Please watch over my family and take good care of us. Amen 🙏🏻
Debbie Griego
Posted: 11 June 2024 - 05:06 PM
Please pray for my daughter Breanne who has fluid built up throughout her body and I can't get her to go to the doctor. I have another tumor on my spine and in the same area 3 years ago. I will be seeing my Neurosurgeon tomorrow morning. I've been 4 reoccurrences in 7 years. I lost my son Marty less than 3 months ago. So my family needs a lot of prayer. Thank you and God bless
Debbie Griego
Posted: 11 June 2024 - 04:57 PM
Hi my name is Debbie
Sinead Lay
Posted: 11 June 2024 - 04:28 PM
Please can you pray for two things. The first is that the chronic pain I'm experiencing leaves my body. The second is that I pass my final exams and the entrance bar exams. Amen
Posted: 11 June 2024 - 03:29 PM
Hi Laura, I'm praying for your dtr. I pray she follow the Lord's will, & will marry a good Cath. If she chooses to marry her finace, I pray that they marry in the church. My son is in the midst of a divorce. It's so so painful.
Posted: 11 June 2024 - 03:26 PM
Hi, I'm a convert from Prot. Yay God! I'm here with His family. Please join me praying for the conversion of our loved ones & friends. Also, please pray that I will get Catholic friends. Thank you.
Posted: 11 June 2024 - 03:03 PM
Hi Rhonda, I know how important prayer is. My prayers go out for you and all on this prayer site.
Posted: 11 June 2024 - 12:47 PM
I need prayers for getting a new job as a magistrate and for finding a spouse who is of the Lord. Also need prayers for my brother, Rick, who will be having surgery the last week of June for his hip
Posted: 11 June 2024 - 12:45 PM
Hi my name is Rhonda and I live in Alexandria, VA
Posted: 11 June 2024 - 12:34 PM
Cure from cancer and healing of my body
Posted: 11 June 2024 - 12:26 PM
Healing and proper medical care
Posted: 11 June 2024 - 11:31 AM
For mental and physical healing for Brianna and myself. And financial stability for both of us please 🙏
Thank you!
Posted: 11 June 2024 - 09:59 AM
Please pray for my daughter she was told by parish priest not to marry her fiance until another 6 months. Does not care to listen and now wants to get married outside of Catholic wedding.
This man that she is marrying is not responsible and I hate for her to end in divorce and pain. Please pray for God's will here not theirs. God bless.
Posted: 11 June 2024 - 09:21 AM
We are praying for all the priests and seminarians in the world and for the health of Pope Francis. all the sick people in the world for relief to their pain..
Posted: 11 June 2024 - 09:19 AM
personal intentions
Posted: 11 June 2024 - 08:44 AM
Please pray for my aunt Bernadette Moray that she gets her vision back after an accident that occures when a car went through my house.
Fernando mugnolo from Argentina
Posted: 11 June 2024 - 08:39 AM
Please pray for my mental health...thanks
Posted: 11 June 2024 - 07:47 AM
Please pray for my daughter for a suitable life partner
Posted: 11 June 2024 - 05:47 AM
Hi there,
I'm Stefanie from CT, USA. I've been using the online prayer request from lourdes for years. Really excited to be able to pray for and with others now!
Yvonne A
Posted: 11 June 2024 - 01:25 AM
Prayers that I remain cancer-free and get cured of Vertigo and all that ails me.
I need to work full-time And it's been difficult. My kids have helped who I never wanted to ask... please bless them; one is having a new baby the other Just Learned her Husband's Stepmother had both legs amputated. I pray for them all.
Posted: 10 June 2024 - 06:33 AM
Hi Brenda, I have prayed for you, please pray for me. Vanessa, NH
Brenda B
Posted: 10 June 2024 - 06:02 AM
Hi, my name is Brenda and I live in California, USA
Lourdes Prayer Request
Posted: 10 June 2024 - 05:06 AM
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Prayer Requests : Prayer Request Forum : 🙂 Introduce Yourself 🙏

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