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Prayer Requests : Prayer Request Forum : EVIL PEOPLE
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Posted: 13 June 2024 - 07:48 PM
thank you anna.

from patrick
Posted: 13 June 2024 - 09:38 AM
I will pray for me, as in the past I too have been falsely accused.

Posted: 12 June 2024 - 09:47 PM
ear Sirs: During the last year caseworkers from the Department of Communities and Justice have came to interview us. They said that both Luke (aged 10 years) and Tina (aged 18 years) were malnourished. But this is a lie told by the caseworkers. Both children are well nourished and care for; they are very safe. We have always looked after Luke and Tina, bringing them to doctors, dentist and any other appointments when necessary. We have also experienced and witnessed illegal and vindictive behaviour from a person called Antonia Wright. We enclosed our interactions with the department in the list of coercive incidents.

In addition, during our meetings with the Department of Communities and Justice, we have always complied to all undertakings they require us to do. We have engaged with all Government Services in a positive and constructive manner. We believe that with regard to the Department of Communities and Justice, we have been unfairly targeted, because we are Christians and from Asian decent. My wife Hoan and our children were born in Vietnam and we attend our local Catholic Church regularly.

Moreover, we were once a happy family, enjoying life and loving our Church Services. We are and always have been, devout Christians. We believe that the Department of Communities and Justice have set out to intimidate, coercive and threaten us. The Department of Communities and Justice have often lied and made-up stories about us during our meetings with them. In addition, there has been no interpreter present for my wife during these meetings. My wife's English comprehension is extremely poor. With regard to the Department of Communities and Justice, we have been unlawfully mistreated. We believe we have been subjective to illegal coercive behaviour and physiological violence from employees of the Department of Communities and Justice (D.C.J.). The following points outlines this case.

1. Stalking and Intimidation:
On the 15/04/2021 at 2pm inside our unit of 6/37 Portland Crescent, Maroubra; Antonia Wright, from the Department of Communities and Justice, came to see us. She had also another female accomplice with her. They wanted me to sign the Family Action Plan. I did not sign the plan because it was full of lies and very defamatory. So Antonia Wright left. Antonia Wright said as was leaving ?she would make my life hell if I did not sign the action plan?. I took this as a coercive psychological threat.

On the 3/08/2021 at 10am to 3.30pm inside our unit of 6/37 Portland Crescent, Maroubra; Antonia Wright from the Department of Communities and Justice, came to see us. She was again aggressive at us. She talked about me writing letters and complaining about her. She was very upset and angry about this. After 10 minutes she left. However, she stayed in her car downstairs for 5 hours staring at our window. We called the police because we felt intimidated about Antonia Wright's behaviour. The police came and they were very supportive in the way we handle things; they saw our children were safe. Antonia Wright disappeared when the police arrived.

2. Cruelty, Psychological Maltreatment and Toxic Work Practices.
On the 13/05/2021 at 2pm inside our unit of 6/37 Portland Crescent, Maroubra; Antonia Wright viciously interrogated me. She was very upset about my complaint letters about her. She stated to me that I had a previous Apprehended Violence Orders (A.V.O.) issued against me in 2005 from the Dee Why Police. Which is a lie. This was, and still is, a very disturbing aspect to this caseworker - Antonia Wright. She lies and makes up stories. Moreover, Antonia Wright was very angry and aggressive in the interview. When she left, I called Dee Why Police, they told me that there was never an A.V.O. issued against me. This encounter with the D.C.J. have left me and my wife with a deep impression of mistrust about any interactions with the Department of Communities and Justice.

Likewise, on the 16/09/2021 at 10am inside Maroubra Medical and Dental Centre, Anzac Parade, Maroubra; Antonia Wright from the Department of Communities and Justice, questioned me about Luke's sick note from that Medical Centre. She said she spoke to Doctor Gotlieb who said Luke was well enough for school, even though a sick note was issued. The Department of Communities and Justice are hassling us and causing public mischief. It is harassment and we are being unfairly targeted.

3. Criminal Public Mischief from D.C.J. Caseworkers:
Corruption, in broad terms, is a deliberate, serious wrongdoing that involves dishonest conduct, a breach of public trust or the misuse of information or material. Caseworkers from the Department of Communities and Justice, have called the local police stating to them that a child was at risk. Only to find out, from the police, that nothing was wrong with the children, as they were 'completely looked after by loving parents'. The police found nothing erroneous and the children were at all times completely safe. We firmly believe that the Department of Communities and Justice have made false and misleading statements, and have caused us unnecessary grief and 'criminal public mischief'. This type of damaging and libellous behaviour from the Department of Communities and Justice, has had a destructive impact on our family. We are being persecuted, stalked and harassed by this caseworker.

Likewise, on the 8/11/2021 at 8.45am outside Maroubra Bay Public School, Maroubra; a Mrs Hutchinson, a teacher from that school, was rude towards me again. She ignored me when I said 'hello' to her. This has happened many times now. Even the parents of Maroubra Bay Public School are ignoring me. In addition, Antonia Wright has spread lies to them about my son's heritage. That is I am not Luke's father. This is a lie perpetrated by Antonia Wright. To reaffirmed again, I am Luke's dad. During the course of interaction with the Caseworkers from the Department of Communities and Justice, they have continued to lie and defame me.

What Wright has told other people has had a detrimental impacted on my life. The teachers from Brigidine College and the Maroubra Bay Primary School will not talk to me now. Both schools ignored me and say nasty comments to me. They have sent e-mails to me saying I have no rights over the children and that I am not a 'real father', all of which I categorically deny. Likewise, the teachers from Maroubra Bay Public School has also been compromised. For some reason they have been made aware of these false allegations.

4. Defamation, Negligence and Privacy Breached:
In this letter, I characterise the definition of slander as: The action or crime of making a false spoken statement that damages a person's reputation. My reputation has certainly been damage and destroyed by the careless actions of Antonio Wright. In addition, I believe that the Department of Communities and Justice have been negligent in their duty of care. Negligence is a failure to take reasonable care to avoid causing psychological injury or loss. Negligence can occur in any aspect of professional practice. For example, unethical misconduct, cruelty, libel and slander. This can also include behaviour that causes psychological or emotional harm to a child and/or to a parent. Wright has written papers relating to me on numerous occasions, knowing them to be false and libellous.

The Department of Communities and Justice, have made my life intolerable and unmanageable. The resulting slander has caused me significant emotionally and psychological pain. Before, the caseworkers from the Department of Communities and Justice involvement, I was on good terms with both of these schools. I used to visit both schools with my wife and both School Principals would welcome us to that school. Now they don't.
5. Religious Artefacts:
In relation to the above points, the Department of Communities and Justice did not like the word 'family' or it's relationship to religion. They told us to remove all religious artefacts, as they might 'corrupt a child's upbringing'. They were at that time looking at the crucifix on our wall. We are devoted Catholics and attend Church often. We will not take down our crucifix.

In later meetings with the caseworkers, from the Department of Communities and Justice, they used threatening statements, bullied and threatened us, and used a 'Nazi style' of questioning. You had to agree with them or else they said they would take away our children. These caseworkers from the Department of Communities and Justice, have exhibited coercive behavioural tactics and have been physiological violent towards my family. We believe firmly that we have been criticised and mistreated because of our religious beliefs. We are Catholics and attend Church regularly.

In closing, we believe the Department of Communities and Justice have set out to intimidate, badger and threaten us. In addition, they have lied and made-up stories about us during meetings and correspondence with them. Wright has been malicious, psychologically coercive and cruel. These actions from Wright, has caused us irrevocable emotional and psychological harm. Finally, please reply to this document in an honourable manner.


Patrick O'Connor
Prayer Requests : Prayer Request Forum : EVIL PEOPLE

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