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Prayer Requests : Prayer Request Forum : June 29th, 2024 Prayers
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June 29th, 2024 Prayers

Benjamin Garrett Johnson
Posted: 29 June 2024 - 12:10 AM
Lord Jesus Christ, please make sure that I will not be subjected to any more targeted individual tactics, gangstalking tactics, MK ULTRA tactics, and COINTELPRO tactics anymore.

Lord Jesus Christ, please forever abolish all Satanic cults (such as Judaism, Freemasonry, Illuminati, OTO, the Deep Church, etc), all organized crime groups, all pedophile cults, Liberalism, Globalism, all corrupt criminal tyrannical institutions, all corrupt criminal tyrannical organizations, all corrupt criminal tyrannical governments, Novus Ordo Catholicism, Catholic theological modernism, the Second Vatican Council, Zionism, all targeted individual programs, all gangstalking programs, all MK ULTRA programs, all COINTELPRO programs, and the New World Order.

Lord Jesus Christ, please make sure that everybody in the world converts towards 1570 Traditionalist Catholicism Feeneyism, and please make sure that everybody in the world will be a 1570 Traditionalist Catholic Feeneyite forever.

Prayer Requests : Prayer Request Forum : June 29th, 2024 Prayers

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