VI. SEE YOUR BRAIN By Dr Rauni Kilde It may be the most important of all social and political matters of our time, but very few have any knowledge about it. There are two entirely different social models of what is called ?the information society?. The present approach is the control state; it involves experts, brain chips, behavior modification, big business corporations and state agencies as drivers. Whilst the other is based on peoples wellbeing, equality and freedom. What the EU?s Ethics Council calling for a ?development-oriented Information Society? promoting cooperation and human rights. In the title ?Infotopia? it?s written: ?The first information society is based on material expansion, robot control, specialization, centralization, and where increased standard and power are key drivers. The development path also expresses values that competing is necessary?The second describes a society which in its most extreme form would liberate people ?What is meant by robot control, is far-reaching, and entails connectivity of citizens to brain systems. Thus, being used for all forms of nonconsensual biomedical research, particularly in relation to behaviour modification. In such a society, we have merely the status of cattle or biological components. The American Professor Carl Rogers, quoted in Science stated that ?then this shows all too clearly that the great majority are only the slaves, no matter by what high-sounding name we call them We can choose to use our growing knowledge to enslave people in ways never dreamed of before, depersonalizing them, controlling them by means so carefully selected that they will perhaps never be aware of their loss of personhood?. What he?s describing is the interaction between people?s brains and State super computers, without peoples own consent or understanding about of it. Japanese Professor Yoneji Masuda, whom coined the term ?The Information Society , wrote in the book so entitled, that the expert dominated information society would create brutal abuses of peoples human rights, even in comparison to traditional dictatorships. The new cybernetics revolution is being directed by super computers and remote control of our central nervous systems ? for good or for evil, depending on who ultimately secures control of the systems ? the population or the State. Such constitutes as many wonderful dreams as terrible nightmares. Dr. Masuda did mention the possible positive applications, saying ?that anyone can be healthy, creative and live an active life to an average of 90 years or more?. The British professor Malcolm Varner stated that an expert ruled information society would instigate a