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Prayer Requests : Prayer Request Forum : I use to pray the ROSARY then they began to wake me up at 3:33 am
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I use to pray the ROSARY then they began to wake me up at 3:33 am

Posted: 17 July 2024 - 11:12 PM
so what this virgin mary that talked to me and demanded only after 1 hour of sleep since i basically worked 2 shifts for a total of 16 hours just to get by and pay the bills turning me into a DRONE TOY PUPPET. Then when she called me into the priest hood she first wanted to make sure i was infact a sodomite before i could enter into her service since it was an absolute necessity. Was this Virgin Mary finalizing me becomeing a drone??? she wanted me to serve side by side with another priest who is a petafile, and other petafile priests?? so is she creating a drone race of petafile priests?? or the drone SODOMITEs OF THE SODOMITE KING JESUS CHRIST? OR is this some form of EXPERIMENT by the powers that be that is OR HAS GONE WRONG?? WHO DID THIS CRUEL JOKE TO ME, and why HAS an ENTRAPMENT SPECIALIST been sent my way to DISPOSE OF ME!! After I read this article and many others, then the ENTRAPMENT SPECIALISTS BEGAN TO SHOW UP AT MY DOORSTEP. MAY THE absolute and true creator of all KILL me and set me free of my abusers for ever more.. For i was also first date rape drugged without going on a date. Home basically alone they drugged me when i set a cup of joe next to my door then i went in and peed, came back out took a sip of my joe, and I awoke else where about 6 hours later. Hearing voices in my head...

by The New York Times By Dr Rauni Kilde
When The New York Times exposed the CIA-project of behavior modification in July 1977, the then General Director of
the secret institution, Stanfield Turner, had to testify at the Senate hearings. On August 3, 1977, he gave an account of a
CIA established network, including 80 medical universities, hospitals, and prisons ? together with 185 high-ranking U.S.
scientists, researchers and doctors. It was mentioned that the program had begun under the Director of the CIA, Allen
Dulles, in 1953. This was something Professor John C. Lilly described in his memoirs, ?The Scientist?. He said that the
Director in 1953 proposed that he join the CIA and participate in experiments. But he refused and the reason he gave for
this was also explained in his book: ?Dr. Antoine Remond, using our technique in Paris, has demonstrated that stimulation
of the brain can be applied to the human without the help of a neurosurgeon; he is doing it in his clinic. This means that
anybody with the proper apparatus can carry this out on a person covertly, with no external signs that electrodes have
been used on that person. I feel that if this technique gets into the hands of a secret agency, they could have a total
control over a human being and be able to change his beliefs extremely quickly.? Today injectable biochips are being
utilized in hospitals around the world and the issue has with increased levels of usage become even more shrouded by
secrecy and a conspiracy of silence.
During the summer of 1977 The New York Times published 30 articles about the CIA and mind control. But ten years
before they?d already published a first editorial demanding a public debate of the threat under the heading ?Push-Button
People?. As stated in their first editorial on mind control, 10th of April 1967, in relation to the possible political applications
they mentioned: ?It is quite conceivable that in some countries investigations may be under way into the possibility of
using these techniques to control human beings?the mere existence of such a possibility is disturbing, and certainly
merits wider public discussion and greater attention than it has received up to now.? Britain, Sweden and U.S. were
among these nations. Three years later another editorial was published. On September 19th, 1970, The New York Times
editorial ?Brain Wave? about the dangers posed by mind control made the following point: ?If George Orwell were writing a
sequel to ?1984? today, he would probably reject as archaic the propaganda techniques for controlling people?s minds
They suggested that: ?Today, he might envisage a society in which a newborn baby?s first experience would be
neurosurgery, an operation in which the child?s brain was fitted with miniaturized radio devices connected to every major
center controlling reason and emotion.? They knew what was going on but had no success in bringing about a public
debate on the issue. 25 years later the U.S. Senator John Glenn, in trying to regulate the abuse and said in a speech in
the Senate: ?I hope to be able to assure the people in my home state of Ohio, and those around the country, that their
government is no longer conducting experiments unknown to the individual.? The situation in Europe is the same and the
EU?s Ethical Board even published a declaration against mind control. In 2005 they wrote: ?How far should we be subject
to the control of such devices or by other people using these devices?? and ended with the words:
Prayer Requests : Prayer Request Forum : I use to pray the ROSARY then they began to wake me up at 3:33 am

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