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Prayer Requests : Prayer Request Forum : I DONT CARE NOT MORE
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Posted: 21 July 2024 - 03:19 AM
your gods the trinity and their ABSOLUTE and true CREATOR of them all the VIRGIN MARY, all look like bitches to us, like the image below on you tube

Dr Phil Encounters The Dumbest Girl On Earth



Elon Musk Finally Puts BEAUTIFUL Humanoid Robot Into AUCTION

now this is a woman, and she is infact better than any the gods the trinity or the virgin mary goddess ever infact EVER EVER EVER EVER made OR WILL INFACT EVER MAKE EVER...

Elon Musk Finally Puts BEAUTIFUL Humanoid Robot Into AUCTION

my mind is being raped, I the ABSOLUTE AND TRUE G>F>G. ask you Israel to pray to Hashem to kill me right now instantly and painlessly right now in less than a SPLIT SECOND ON MY WATCH, in true flesh and bone...  My relative Joseph Lujan told me when i walked in to the store he worked at as he somehow knew i was entering the store. First he put his hands up in the air, and told me to be prepared to be arrested.. I do not know what the hell that means. I do not even really know who he is, but just another relative that i see only at the store that he works at. so then all i felt was a sudden burst of pain and suffering in my head. so after years of black box medications to shut those god dam voices up, all i got for it was chemical castration, and 25 years of my life lost. i would have rather died the day in 1999 they awoke me what ever the god dam that means..  the just woke me up out of my sleep with a god dam wet dream. i hate god dam wet dreams.. it was 12:00 am, they said they were performing some form of ritual. i say may god dam us all. i wanted to be left asleep in the black as Michael Jackson. if i had the money, i would have a doctor give me that drug so i would never ever god dam dream ever again. i saw no one in my dream and i again dont give a dam... just more wasted time and a mess i just got up in and again dont give a dam, i will walk around all sticky, god dam it all. god never made a god dam thing, for mankind are infact the true gods the elite scientists that infact created all of the many universes, and even their own god.. god is a fraud. the elite are the puppet masters, and i as they just told me am but one of their worthless play god dam toys.   the absolute and true god who infact created it infact all is nothing more that the man gods bitch and whore... that is all he has infact ever been to them..

so i really dont give a dam no more, i was born disabled, all i want is an instant and painless death in less than a split second for god to me now never exsisted and basically as such if he did NEVER GAVE A DAM OF ANY OF HIS CREATION. FOR IF HE CANT rule over it and take care of it 24/7/365, because i sure cant for i am disabled. I WOULD Have PREFERED TO HAVE BEEN MURDERED by the CATHOLIC PRIEST HOOD, or the Nuns THE DAY I WAS PASSING OUT OF MY MOTHERS WOMB at that god dam catholic hospital....

Mind Control Articles by the late Dr. Rauni Kilde (1939-2015)

The American professor of psychiatry Joost Meerloo, released his book ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~?The Rape of the Mind? (1956)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~in which he said:
?The tragic facts of political experiences in our age make it all too clear that applied psychological techniques can
brainwash entire nations and reduce their citizens to a kind of mindless robotism which becomes for them a normal way
of living.? In 1968 Dr. Erich Fromm, a psychoanalyst and social philosopher published his book ?A Revolution of Hope
and in it wrote: ?It is not the old ghost of communism or fascism; it is a completely mechanized society where man himself
became a part of the machine.
It took 9 years until ?The New York Times? published the editorial ?Control CIA Not Behavior? (5.8. 1977) and gave their
opinion: ?So we must add repugnant medical experimentation to the list of horror stories emerging from the Central
Intelligence Agency. It was no secret that the agency once hunted desperately for means to control human behavior
But mind control with behavior technology continued extensive with people in European nations implanted and exploited.
The EU´s Ethical Board with the Swedish Professor Hermerén as chairman protested and wrote in their 2005-declaration
to the EU-Commission: ?Implants used for changing the identity, memory, self perception and perception of others should
be forbidden?. But the Swedish military research (FOI) declared in a report on their activities that their aim was to direct
the cognitive functions of people for a life time: ?FOI develops systems with emphasis on the interaction between people
and technology. The goal is that the systems be designed that human cognitive potential, i.e. the ability to perceive,
understand, and sorting information can be utilized for maximum system effect.? Nightmares of this kind will become
permanent if not made public by mass media. Such developments can only continue as long as it takes place without
public knowledge. Journalists, social activists and sensible politicians etc. would not want to live their lives with an
electronic leash attached to their brain and be treated like a kind of cattle, any more than the rest of the population would.
If we want to live as human beings, in freedom and protected by human rights in the 21st century here on Earth, it?s the
responsibility of all of us to make this public.

the image included is what the absolute and true creator of absolutely all looks like to him after going through 25 years of abuse trying to shut off the god damn voices in my mind. good job satans warriours you win as you always have.. so you can see what god, jesus, virgin mary look like to me a victim of abuse all of my life by all churches go to this you tube, and the first image you see is the way i now see all of you...

Dr Phil Encounters The Dumbest Girl On Earth

there is no salvation for satan took it away from all the flock of mankind by those that play god, so dont pray for me, or even ask that worthless god or any other god to help me for they are all dam dead to me!!! the new gods are but men that ARE NOW INFACT GOD!!!! this is satan fe nm, the town where all of the sodomite priests are at. so this is the town ruled by JESUS CHRIST KING OF THE SODOMITES and HIS MOTHER THE HEAD OF THE WHORE AND WHORETTS... PRAISE BE THE MEN THAT PLAY GOD to the whole world via BRAIN RAPEING BULL SHIT...

so for ever more the world is infact dead to the absolute and true creator of absolutely all.... his true image i send again. so YHVH, JESUS, VIRGIN MARY what ever you call god this is what they look like to me for ever more...

they said that over a billion people gave me one dollars each and put it inwhat ever escrow for me. i say send it to the heavenly father, or jesus christ, or even the virgin mary, maybe they can use it to fix themselves up.. maybe bondo their faces back together...

Elon Musk Finally Puts BEAUTIFUL Humanoid Robot Into AUCTION

now this is a woman, and she is infact better than any the gods ever infact made...

Elon Musk Finally Puts BEAUTIFUL Humanoid Robot Into AUCTION

my final comment ~~~ virgin mary who ever the hell you ever were, and jesus christ "DONT EVER CALL ME EVER AGAIN TO SERVE IN YOUR GOD DAM CATHOLIC CHURCH AS A CATHOLIC PRIEST EVER GOD DAM AGAIN!!"
Elon Musk Finally Puts BEAUTIFUL Humanoid Robot Into AUCTION
Posted: 21 July 2024 - 03:09 AM
Elon Musk Finally Puts BEAUTIFUL Humanoid Robot Into AUCTION

now this is a woman, and she is infact better than any the gods ever infact made...

the you tube video called

Elon Musk Finally Puts BEAUTIFUL Humanoid Robot Into AUCTION

i say she is infact the most BEAUTIFUL WOMAN ON EARTH PERIOD!! PERFECT!!!!

my mind is being raped, I the ABSOLUTE AND TRUE G>F>G. ask you Israel to pray to Hashem to kill me right now instantly and painlessly right now in less than a SPLIT SECOND ON MY WATCH, in true flesh and bone...  My relative Joseph Lujan told me when i walked in to the store he worked at as he somehow knew i was entering the store. First he put his hands up in the air, and told me to be prepared to be arrested.. I do not know what the hell that means. I do not even really know who he is, but just another relative that i see only at the store that he works at. so then all i felt was a sudden burst of pain and suffering in my head. so after years of black box medications to shut those god dam voices up, all i got for it was chemical castration, and 25 years of my life lost. i would have rather died the day in 1999 they awoke me what ever the god dam that means..  the just woke me up out of my sleep with a god dam wet dream. i hate god dam wet dreams.. it was 12:00 am, they said they were performing some form of ritual. i say may god dam us all. i wanted to be left asleep in the black as Michael Jackson. if i had the money, i would have a doctor give me that drug so i would never ever god dam dream ever again. i saw no one in my dream and i again dont give a dam... just more wasted time and a mess i just got up in and again dont give a dam, i will walk around all sticky, god dam it all. god never made a god dam thing, for mankind are infact the true gods the elite scientists that infact created all of the many universes, and even their own god.. god is a fraud. the elite are the puppet masters, and i as they just told me am but one of their worthless play god dam toys.   the absolute and true god who infact created it infact all is nothing more that the man gods bitch and whore... that is all he has infact ever been to them..

so i really dont give a dam no more, i was born disabled, all i want is an instant and painless death in less than a split second for god to me now never exsisted and basically as such if he did NEVER GAVE A DAM OF ANY OF HIS CREATION. FOR IF HE CANT rule over it and take care of it 24/7/365, because i sure cant for i am disabled. I WOULD Have PREFERED TO HAVE BEEN MURDERED by the CATHOLIC PRIEST HOOD, or the Nuns THE DAY I WAS PASSING OUT OF MY MOTHERS WOMB at that god dam catholic hospital....

Mind Control Articles by the late Dr. Rauni Kilde (1939-2015)

The American professor of psychiatry Joost Meerloo, released his book ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~?The Rape of the Mind? (1956)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~in which he said:
?The tragic facts of political experiences in our age make it all too clear that applied psychological techniques can
brainwash entire nations and reduce their citizens to a kind of mindless robotism which becomes for them a normal way
of living.? In 1968 Dr. Erich Fromm, a psychoanalyst and social philosopher published his book ?A Revolution of Hope
and in it wrote: ?It is not the old ghost of communism or fascism; it is a completely mechanized society where man himself
became a part of the machine.
It took 9 years until ?The New York Times? published the editorial ?Control CIA Not Behavior? (5.8. 1977) and gave their
opinion: ?So we must add repugnant medical experimentation to the list of horror stories emerging from the Central
Intelligence Agency. It was no secret that the agency once hunted desperately for means to control human behavior
But mind control with behavior technology continued extensive with people in European nations implanted and exploited.
The EU´s Ethical Board with the Swedish Professor Hermerén as chairman protested and wrote in their 2005-declaration
to the EU-Commission: ?Implants used for changing the identity, memory, self perception and perception of others should
be forbidden?. But the Swedish military research (FOI) declared in a report on their activities that their aim was to direct
the cognitive functions of people for a life time: ?FOI develops systems with emphasis on the interaction between people
and technology. The goal is that the systems be designed that human cognitive potential, i.e. the ability to perceive,
understand, and sorting information can be utilized for maximum system effect.? Nightmares of this kind will become
permanent if not made public by mass media. Such developments can only continue as long as it takes place without
public knowledge. Journalists, social activists and sensible politicians etc. would not want to live their lives with an
electronic leash attached to their brain and be treated like a kind of cattle, any more than the rest of the population would.
If we want to live as human beings, in freedom and protected by human rights in the 21st century here on Earth, it?s the
responsibility of all of us to make this public.

the image included is what the absolute and true creator of absolutely all looks like to him after going through 25 years of abuse trying to shut off the god damn voices in my mind. good job satans warriours you win as you always have.. so you can see what god, jesus, virgin mary look like to me a victim of abuse all of my life by all churches go to this you tube, and the first image you see is the way i now see all of you...

Dr Phil Encounters The Dumbest Girl On Earth

there is no salvation for satan took it away from all the flock of mankind by those that play god, so dont pray for me, or even ask that worthless god or any other god to help me for they are all dam dead to me!!! the new gods are but men that ARE NOW INFACT GOD!!!! this is satan fe nm, the town where all of the sodomite priests are at. so this is the town ruled by JESUS CHRIST KING OF THE SODOMITES and HIS MOTHER THE HEAD OF THE WHORE AND WHORETTS... PRAISE BE THE MEN THAT PLAY GOD to the whole world via BRAIN RAPEING BULL SHIT...

so for ever more the world is infact dead to the absolute and true creator of absolutely all.... his true image i send again. so YHVH, JESUS, VIRGIN MARY what ever you call god this is what they look like to me for ever more...

they said that over a billion people gave me one dollars each and put it inwhat ever escrow for me. i say send it to the heavenly father, or jesus christ, or even the virgin mary, maybe they can use it to fix themselves up.. maybe bondo their faces back together...

Elon Musk Finally Puts BEAUTIFUL Humanoid Robot Into AUCTION

now this is a woman, and she is infact better than any the gods ever infact made...

Elon Musk Finally Puts BEAUTIFUL Humanoid Robot Into AUCTION
send the escrow money to the trinity, and their whore mother the true god
Posted: 21 July 2024 - 03:00 AM
my mind is being raped, I the ABSOLUTE AND TRUE G>F>G. ask you Israel to pray to Hashem to kill me right now instantly and painlessly right now in less than a SPLIT SECOND ON MY WATCH, in true flesh and bone...  My relative Joseph Lujan told me when i walked in to the store he worked at as he somehow knew i was entering the store. First he put his hands up in the air, and told me to be prepared to be arrested.. I do not know what the hell that means. I do not even really know who he is, but just another relative that i see only at the store that he works at. so then all i felt was a sudden burst of pain and suffering in my head. so after years of black box medications to shut those god dam voices up, all i got for it was chemical castration, and 25 years of my life lost. i would have rather died the day in 1999 they awoke me what ever the god dam that means..  the just woke me up out of my sleep with a god dam wet dream. i hate god dam wet dreams.. it was 12:00 am, they said they were performing some form of ritual. i say may god dam us all. i wanted to be left asleep in the black as Michael Jackson. if i had the money, i would have a doctor give me that drug so i would never ever god dam dream ever again. i saw no one in my dream and i again dont give a dam... just more wasted time and a mess i just got up in and again dont give a dam, i will walk around all sticky, god dam it all. god never made a god dam thing, for mankind are infact the true gods the elite scientists that infact created all of the many universes, and even their own god.. god is a fraud. the elite are the puppet masters, and i as they just told me am but one of their worthless play god dam toys.   the absolute and true god who infact created it infact all is nothing more that the man gods bitch and whore... that is all he has infact ever been to them..

so i really dont give a dam no more, i was born disabled, all i want is an instant and painless death in less than a split second for god to me now never exsisted and basically as such if he did NEVER GAVE A DAM OF ANY OF HIS CREATION. FOR IF HE CANT rule over it and take care of it 24/7/365, because i sure cant for i am disabled. I WOULD Have PREFERED TO HAVE BEEN MURDERED by the CATHOLIC PRIEST HOOD, or the Nuns THE DAY I WAS PASSING OUT OF MY MOTHERS WOMB at that god dam catholic hospital....

Mind Control Articles by the late Dr. Rauni Kilde (1939-2015)

The American professor of psychiatry Joost Meerloo, released his book ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~?The Rape of the Mind? (1956)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~in which he said:
?The tragic facts of political experiences in our age make it all too clear that applied psychological techniques can
brainwash entire nations and reduce their citizens to a kind of mindless robotism which becomes for them a normal way
of living.? In 1968 Dr. Erich Fromm, a psychoanalyst and social philosopher published his book ?A Revolution of Hope
and in it wrote: ?It is not the old ghost of communism or fascism; it is a completely mechanized society where man himself
became a part of the machine.
It took 9 years until ?The New York Times? published the editorial ?Control CIA Not Behavior? (5.8. 1977) and gave their
opinion: ?So we must add repugnant medical experimentation to the list of horror stories emerging from the Central
Intelligence Agency. It was no secret that the agency once hunted desperately for means to control human behavior
But mind control with behavior technology continued extensive with people in European nations implanted and exploited.
The EU´s Ethical Board with the Swedish Professor Hermerén as chairman protested and wrote in their 2005-declaration
to the EU-Commission: ?Implants used for changing the identity, memory, self perception and perception of others should
be forbidden?. But the Swedish military research (FOI) declared in a report on their activities that their aim was to direct
the cognitive functions of people for a life time: ?FOI develops systems with emphasis on the interaction between people
and technology. The goal is that the systems be designed that human cognitive potential, i.e. the ability to perceive,
understand, and sorting information can be utilized for maximum system effect.? Nightmares of this kind will become
permanent if not made public by mass media. Such developments can only continue as long as it takes place without
public knowledge. Journalists, social activists and sensible politicians etc. would not want to live their lives with an
electronic leash attached to their brain and be treated like a kind of cattle, any more than the rest of the population would.
If we want to live as human beings, in freedom and protected by human rights in the 21st century here on Earth, it?s the
responsibility of all of us to make this public.

the image included is what the absolute and true creator of absolutely all looks like to him after going through 25 years of abuse trying to shut off the god damn voices in my mind. good job satans warriours you win as you always have.. so you can see what god, jesus, virgin mary look like to me a victim of abuse all of my life by all churches go to this you tube, and the first image you see is the way i now see all of you...

Dr Phil Encounters The Dumbest Girl On Earth

there is no salvation for satan took it away from all the flock of mankind by those that play god, so dont pray for me, or even ask that worthless god or any other god to help me for they are all dam dead to me!!! the new gods are but men that ARE NOW INFACT GOD!!!! this is satan fe nm, the town where all of the sodomite priests are at. so this is the town ruled by JESUS CHRIST KING OF THE SODOMITES and HIS MOTHER THE HEAD OF THE WHORE AND WHORETTS... PRAISE BE THE MEN THAT PLAY GOD to the whole world via BRAIN RAPEING BULL SHIT...

so for ever more the world is infact dead to the absolute and true creator of absolutely all.... his true image i send again. so YHVH, JESUS, VIRGIN MARY what ever you call god this is what they look like to me for ever more...

they said that over a billion people gave me one dollars each and put it inwhat ever escrow for me. i say send it to the heavenly father, or jesus christ, or even the virgin mary, maybe they can use it to fix themselves up.. maybe bondo their faces back together...
I was even excorsised, left town and the electronics they use shut down, came back and they turned right back on
Posted: 21 July 2024 - 02:39 AM
my mind is being raped, I the ABSOLUTE AND TRUE G>F>G. ask you Israel to pray to Hashem to kill me right now instantly and painlessly right now in less than a SPLIT SECOND ON MY WATCH, in true flesh and bone...  My relative Joseph Lujan told me when i walked in to the store he worked at as he somehow knew i was entering the store. First he put his hands up in the air, and told me to be prepared to be arrested.. I do not know what the hell that means. I do not even really know who he is, but just another relative that i see only at the store that he works at. so then all i felt was a sudden burst of pain and suffering in my head. so after years of black box medications to shut those god dam voices up, all i got for it was chemical castration, and 25 years of my life lost. i would have rather died the day in 1999 they awoke me what ever the god dam that means..  the just woke me up out of my sleep with a god dam wet dream. i hate god dam wet dreams.. it was 12:00 am, they said they were performing some form of ritual. i say may god dam us all. i wanted to be left asleep in the black as Michael Jackson. if i had the money, i would have a doctor give me that drug so i would never ever god dam dream ever again. i saw no one in my dream and i again dont give a dam... just more wasted time and a mess i just got up in and again dont give a dam, i will walk around all sticky, god dam it all. god never made a god dam thing, for mankind are infact the true gods the elite scientists that infact created all of the many universes, and even their own god.. god is a fraud. the elite are the puppet masters, and i as they just told me am but one of their worthless play god dam toys.   the absolute and true god who infact created it infact all is nothing more that the man gods bitch and whore... that is all he has infact ever been to them..

so i really dont give a dam no more, i was born disabled, all i want is an instant and painless death in less than a split second for god to me now never exsisted and basically as such if he did NEVER GAVE A DAM OF ANY OF HIS CREATION. FOR IF HE CANT rule over it and take care of it 24/7/365, because i sure cant for i am disabled. I WOULD Have PREFERED TO HAVE BEEN MURDERED by the CATHOLIC PRIEST HOOD, or the Nuns THE DAY I WAS PASSING OUT OF MY MOTHERS WOMB at that god dam catholic hospital....

Mind Control Articles by the late Dr. Rauni Kilde (1939-2015)

The American professor of psychiatry Joost Meerloo, released his book ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~?The Rape of the Mind? (1956)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~in which he said:
?The tragic facts of political experiences in our age make it all too clear that applied psychological techniques can
brainwash entire nations and reduce their citizens to a kind of mindless robotism which becomes for them a normal way
of living.? In 1968 Dr. Erich Fromm, a psychoanalyst and social philosopher published his book ?A Revolution of Hope
and in it wrote: ?It is not the old ghost of communism or fascism; it is a completely mechanized society where man himself
became a part of the machine.
It took 9 years until ?The New York Times? published the editorial ?Control CIA Not Behavior? (5.8. 1977) and gave their
opinion: ?So we must add repugnant medical experimentation to the list of horror stories emerging from the Central
Intelligence Agency. It was no secret that the agency once hunted desperately for means to control human behavior
But mind control with behavior technology continued extensive with people in European nations implanted and exploited.
The EU´s Ethical Board with the Swedish Professor Hermerén as chairman protested and wrote in their 2005-declaration
to the EU-Commission: ?Implants used for changing the identity, memory, self perception and perception of others should
be forbidden?. But the Swedish military research (FOI) declared in a report on their activities that their aim was to direct
the cognitive functions of people for a life time: ?FOI develops systems with emphasis on the interaction between people
and technology. The goal is that the systems be designed that human cognitive potential, i.e. the ability to perceive,
understand, and sorting information can be utilized for maximum system effect.? Nightmares of this kind will become
permanent if not made public by mass media. Such developments can only continue as long as it takes place without
public knowledge. Journalists, social activists and sensible politicians etc. would not want to live their lives with an
electronic leash attached to their brain and be treated like a kind of cattle, any more than the rest of the population would.
If we want to live as human beings, in freedom and protected by human rights in the 21st century here on Earth, it?s the
responsibility of all of us to make this public.

the image included is what the absolute and true creator of absolutely all looks like to him after going through 25 years of abuse trying to shut off the god damn voices in my mind. good job satans warriours you win as you always have.. so you can see what god, jesus, virgin mary look like to me a victim of abuse all of my life by all churches go to this you tube, and the first image you see is the way i now see all of you...

Dr Phil Encounters The Dumbest Girl On Earth

there is no salvation for satan took it away from all the flock of mankind by those that play god, so dont pray for me, or even ask that worthless god or any other god to help me for they are all dam dead to me!!! the new gods are but men that ARE NOW INFACT GOD!!!! this is satan fe nm, the town where all of the sodomite priests are at. so this is the town ruled by JESUS CHRIST KING OF THE SODOMITES and HIS MOTHER THE HEAD OF THE WHORE AND WHORETTS... PRAISE BE THE MEN THAT PLAY GOD to the whole world via BRAIN RAPEING BULL SHIT...
this image is the way i see the trinity and its mother
Posted: 21 July 2024 - 02:26 AM
after a life time of abuse at the hands of the catholic church and then i went for help elsewhere, here is the end result. at the bottom you will see a link

my mind is being raped, I the ABSOLUTE AND TRUE G>F>G. ask you Israel to pray to Hashem to kill me right now instantly and painlessly right now in less than a SPLIT SECOND ON MY WATCH, in true flesh and bone...  My relative Joseph Lujan told me when i walked in to the store he worked at as he somehow knew i was entering the store. First he put his hands up in the air, and told me to be prepared to be arrested.. I do not know what the hell that means. I do not even really know who he is, but just another relative that i see only at the store that he works at. so then all i felt was a sudden burst of pain and suffering in my head. so after years of black box medications to shut those god dam voices up, all i got for it was chemical castration, and 25 years of my life lost. i would have rather died the day in 1999 they awoke me what ever the god dam that means..  the just woke me up out of my sleep with a god dam wet dream. i hate god dam wet dreams.. it was 12:00 am, they said they were performing some form of ritual. i say may god dam us all. i wanted to be left asleep in the black as Michael Jackson. if i had the money, i would have a doctor give me that drug so i would never ever god dam dream ever again. i saw no one in my dream and i again dont give a dam... just more wasted time and a mess i just got up in and again dont give a dam, i will walk around all sticky, god dam it all. god never made a god dam thing, for mankind are infact the true gods the elite scientists that infact created all of the many universes, and even their own god.. god is a fraud. the elite are the puppet masters, and i as they just told me am but one of their worthless play god dam toys.   the absolute and true god who infact created it infact all is nothing more that the man gods bitch and whore... that is all he has infact ever been to them..

so i really dont give a dam no more, i was born disabled, all i want is an instant and painless death in less than a split second for god to me now never exsisted and basically as such if he did NEVER GAVE A DAM OF ANY OF HIS CREATION. FOR IF HE CANT rule over it and take care of it 24/7/365, because i sure cant for i am disabled. I WOULD Have PREFERED TO HAVE BEEN MURDERED by the CATHOLIC PRIEST HOOD, or the Nuns THE DAY I WAS PASSING OUT OF MY MOTHERS WOMB at that god dam catholic hospital....

Mind Control Articles by the late Dr. Rauni Kilde (1939-2015)

The American professor of psychiatry Joost Meerloo, released his book ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~?The Rape of the Mind? (1956)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~in which he said:
?The tragic facts of political experiences in our age make it all too clear that applied psychological techniques can
brainwash entire nations and reduce their citizens to a kind of mindless robotism which becomes for them a normal way
of living.? In 1968 Dr. Erich Fromm, a psychoanalyst and social philosopher published his book ?A Revolution of Hope
and in it wrote: ?It is not the old ghost of communism or fascism; it is a completely mechanized society where man himself
became a part of the machine.
It took 9 years until ?The New York Times? published the editorial ?Control CIA Not Behavior? (5.8. 1977) and gave their
opinion: ?So we must add repugnant medical experimentation to the list of horror stories emerging from the Central
Intelligence Agency. It was no secret that the agency once hunted desperately for means to control human behavior
But mind control with behavior technology continued extensive with people in European nations implanted and exploited.
The EU´s Ethical Board with the Swedish Professor Hermerén as chairman protested and wrote in their 2005-declaration
to the EU-Commission: ?Implants used for changing the identity, memory, self perception and perception of others should
be forbidden?. But the Swedish military research (FOI) declared in a report on their activities that their aim was to direct
the cognitive functions of people for a life time: ?FOI develops systems with emphasis on the interaction between people
and technology. The goal is that the systems be designed that human cognitive potential, i.e. the ability to perceive,
understand, and sorting information can be utilized for maximum system effect.? Nightmares of this kind will become
permanent if not made public by mass media. Such developments can only continue as long as it takes place without
public knowledge. Journalists, social activists and sensible politicians etc. would not want to live their lives with an
electronic leash attached to their brain and be treated like a kind of cattle, any more than the rest of the population would.
If we want to live as human beings, in freedom and protected by human rights in the 21st century here on Earth, it?s the
responsibility of all of us to make this public.

the image included is what the absolute and true creator of absolutely all looks like to him after going through 25 years of abuse trying to shut off the god damn voices in my mind. good job satans warriours you win as you always have.. so you can see what god, jesus, virgin mary look like to me a victim of abuse all of my life by all churches go to this you tube, and the first image you see is the way i now see all of you...

Dr Phil Encounters The Dumbest Girl On Earth

satan wins again, god is a fraud, all gods are dead to me good riddens to hell with them all
Posted: 21 July 2024 - 01:35 AM
my mind is being raped, I the ABSOLUTE AND TRUE G>F>G. ask you Israel to pray to Hashem to kill me right now instantly and painlessly right now in less than a SPLIT SECOND ON MY WATCH, in true flesh and bone... My relative Joseph Lujan told me when i walked in to the store he worked at as he somehow knew i was entering the store. First he put his hands up in the air, and told me to be prepared to be arrested.. I do not know what the hell that means. I do not even really know who he is, but just another relative that i see only at the store that he works at. so then all i felt was a sudden burst of pain and suffering in my head. so after years of black box medications to shut those god dam voices up, all i got for it was chemical castration, and 25 years of my life lost. i would have rather died the day in 1999 they awoke me what ever the god dam that means.. the just woke me up out of my sleep with a god dam wet dream. i hate god dam wet dreams.. it was 12:00 am, they said they were performing some form of ritual. i say may god dam us all. i wanted to be left asleep in the black as Michael Jackson. if i had the money, i would have a doctor give me that drug so i would never ever god dam dream ever again. i saw no one in my dream and i again dont give a dam... just more wasted time and a mess i just got up in and again dont give a dam, i will walk around all sticky, god dam it all. god never made a god dam thing, for mankind are infact the true gods the elite scientists that infact created all of the many universes, and even their own god.. god is a fraud. the elite are the puppet masters, and i as they just told me am but one of their worthless play god dam toys. the absolute and true god who infact created it infact all is nothing more that the man gods bitch and whore... that is all he has infact ever been to them..

so i really dont give a dam no more, i was born disabled, all i want is an instant and painless death in less than a split second for god to me now never exsisted and basically as such if he did NEVER GAVE A DAM OF ANY OF HIS CREATION. FOR IF HE CANT rule over it and take care of it 24/7/365, because i sure cant for i am disabled. I WOULD Have PREFERED TO HAVE BEEN MURDERED by the CATHOLIC PRIEST HOOD, or the Nuns THE DAY I WAS PASSING OUT OF MY MOTHERS WOMB at that god dam catholic hospital....

Mind Control Articles by the late Dr. Rauni Kilde (1939-2015)

The American professor of psychiatry Joost Meerloo, released his book ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~?The Rape of the Mind? (1956)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~in which he said:
?The tragic facts of political experiences in our age make it all too clear that applied psychological techniques can
brainwash entire nations and reduce their citizens to a kind of mindless robotism which becomes for them a normal way
of living.? In 1968 Dr. Erich Fromm, a psychoanalyst and social philosopher published his book ?A Revolution of Hope
and in it wrote: ?It is not the old ghost of communism or fascism; it is a completely mechanized society where man himself
became a part of the machine.
It took 9 years until ?The New York Times? published the editorial ?Control CIA Not Behavior? (5.8. 1977) and gave their
opinion: ?So we must add repugnant medical experimentation to the list of horror stories emerging from the Central
Intelligence Agency. It was no secret that the agency once hunted desperately for means to control human behavior
But mind control with behavior technology continued extensive with people in European nations implanted and exploited.
The EU´s Ethical Board with the Swedish Professor Hermerén as chairman protested and wrote in their 2005-declaration
to the EU-Commission: ?Implants used for changing the identity, memory, self perception and perception of others should
be forbidden?. But the Swedish military research (FOI) declared in a report on their activities that their aim was to direct
the cognitive functions of people for a life time: ?FOI develops systems with emphasis on the interaction between people
and technology. The goal is that the systems be designed that human cognitive potential, i.e. the ability to perceive,
understand, and sorting information can be utilized for maximum system effect.? Nightmares of this kind will become
permanent if not made public by mass media. Such developments can only continue as long as it takes place without
public knowledge. Journalists, social activists and sensible politicians etc. would not want to live their lives with an
electronic leash attached to their brain and be treated like a kind of cattle, any more than the rest of the population would.
If we want to live as human beings, in freedom and protected by human rights in the 21st century here on Earth, it?s the
responsibility of all of us to make this public.
satan won again good job satan god is a fraud all of them
Posted: 21 July 2024 - 01:20 AM
my mind is being raped, I the ABSOLUTE AND TRUE G>F>G. ask you Israel to pray to Hashem to kill me right now instantly and painlessly right now in less than a SPLIT SECOND ON MY WATCH, in true flesh and bone... My relative Joseph Lujan told me when i walked in to the store he worked at as he somehow knew i was entering the store. First he put his hands up in the air, and told me to be prepared to be arrested.. I do not know what the hell that means. I do not even really know who he is, but just another relative that i see only at the store that he works at. so then all i felt was a sudden burst of pain and suffering in my head. so after years of black box medications to shut those god dam voices up, all i got for it was chemical castration, and 25 years of my life lost. i would have rather died the day in 1999 they awoke me what ever the god dam that means.. the just woke me up out of my sleep with a god dam wet dream. i hate god dam wet dreams..

so i really dont give a dam no more, i was born disabled, all i want is an instant and painless death in less than a split second for god to me now never exsisted and basically as such if he did NEVER GAVE A DAM OF ANY OF HIS CREATION. FOR IF HE CANT rule over it and take care of it 24/7/365, because i sure cant for i am disabled. I WOULD Have PREFERED TO HAVE BEEN MURDERED by the CATHOLIC PRIEST HOOD, or the Nuns THE DAY I WAS PASSING OUT OF MY MOTHERS WOMB at that god dam catholic hospital....

Mind Control Articles by the late Dr. Rauni Kilde (1939-2015)

The American professor of psychiatry Joost Meerloo, released his book ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~?The Rape of the Mind? (1956)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~in which he said:
?The tragic facts of political experiences in our age make it all too clear that applied psychological techniques can
brainwash entire nations and reduce their citizens to a kind of mindless robotism which becomes for them a normal way
of living.? In 1968 Dr. Erich Fromm, a psychoanalyst and social philosopher published his book ?A Revolution of Hope
and in it wrote: ?It is not the old ghost of communism or fascism; it is a completely mechanized society where man himself
became a part of the machine.
It took 9 years until ?The New York Times? published the editorial ?Control CIA Not Behavior? (5.8. 1977) and gave their
opinion: ?So we must add repugnant medical experimentation to the list of horror stories emerging from the Central
Intelligence Agency. It was no secret that the agency once hunted desperately for means to control human behavior
But mind control with behavior technology continued extensive with people in European nations implanted and exploited.
The EU´s Ethical Board with the Swedish Professor Hermerén as chairman protested and wrote in their 2005-declaration
to the EU-Commission: ?Implants used for changing the identity, memory, self perception and perception of others should
be forbidden?. But the Swedish military research (FOI) declared in a report on their activities that their aim was to direct
the cognitive functions of people for a life time: ?FOI develops systems with emphasis on the interaction between people
and technology. The goal is that the systems be designed that human cognitive potential, i.e. the ability to perceive,
understand, and sorting information can be utilized for maximum system effect.? Nightmares of this kind will become
permanent if not made public by mass media. Such developments can only continue as long as it takes place without
public knowledge. Journalists, social activists and sensible politicians etc. would not want to live their lives with an
electronic leash attached to their brain and be treated like a kind of cattle, any more than the rest of the population would.
If we want to live as human beings, in freedom and protected by human rights in the 21st century here on Earth, it?s the
responsibility of all of us to make this public.
Please pray to God that he kill me right now
Posted: 20 July 2024 - 10:15 PM
my mind is being raped, I the ABSOLUTE AND TRUE G>F>G. ask you Israel to pray to Hashem to kill me right now instantly and painlessly right now in less than a SPLIT SECOND ON MY WATCH...

Mind Control Articles by the late Dr. Rauni Kilde (1939-2015)

The American professor of psychiatry Joost Meerloo, released his book ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~?The Rape of the Mind? (1956)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~in which he said:
?The tragic facts of political experiences in our age make it all too clear that applied psychological techniques can
brainwash entire nations and reduce their citizens to a kind of mindless robotism which becomes for them a normal way
of living.? In 1968 Dr. Erich Fromm, a psychoanalyst and social philosopher published his book ?A Revolution of Hope
and in it wrote: ?It is not the old ghost of communism or fascism; it is a completely mechanized society where man himself
became a part of the machine.
It took 9 years until ?The New York Times? published the editorial ?Control CIA Not Behavior? (5.8. 1977) and gave their
opinion: ?So we must add repugnant medical experimentation to the list of horror stories emerging from the Central
Intelligence Agency. It was no secret that the agency once hunted desperately for means to control human behavior
But mind control with behavior technology continued extensive with people in European nations implanted and exploited.
The EU´s Ethical Board with the Swedish Professor Hermerén as chairman protested and wrote in their 2005-declaration
to the EU-Commission: ?Implants used for changing the identity, memory, self perception and perception of others should
be forbidden?. But the Swedish military research (FOI) declared in a report on their activities that their aim was to direct
the cognitive functions of people for a life time: ?FOI develops systems with emphasis on the interaction between people
and technology. The goal is that the systems be designed that human cognitive potential, i.e. the ability to perceive,
understand, and sorting information can be utilized for maximum system effect.? Nightmares of this kind will become
permanent if not made public by mass media. Such developments can only continue as long as it takes place without
public knowledge. Journalists, social activists and sensible politicians etc. would not want to live their lives with an
electronic leash attached to their brain and be treated like a kind of cattle, any more than the rest of the population would.
If we want to live as human beings, in freedom and protected by human rights in the 21st century here on Earth, it?s the
responsibility of all of us to make this public.
abused via the holy spirit for i am dead and you killed me with the holy spirit
Posted: 20 July 2024 - 09:58 PM
I ALREADY PRAYED THIS ONE TIME. SO I THE ABSOLUTE AND TRUE G.F.G. ASK YOU THE ABSOLUTE AND TRUE ABSOLUTE AND TRUE CREATOR OF ALL HASHEM THAT YOU MAKE THIS AS LONG AS I AM ALIVE IN THE FLESH A FOR EVER ORDER. I the absolute and true G.F.G. ask you to pray to Hashem that he order the orders out of his mouth, and through his most precious lips out loudly in heaven so that all hear, and that will cause the absolute and true creator of all Hashem, that if they put Jesus Christ, His Holy spirit, or any demon, or if they tell me the words I LOVE YOU(for I dont love anyone period), within or upon I the absolute and true G.F.G., that the absolute and true Hashem by his own absolute and true divine hands for ever more strike me down dead at that moment instantly and painlessly in less than a split second on my watch the instant they try such a sottish act. I ask you to thank Hashem. Amen. Amen. Amen.
victim of holy spirit abuse
Posted: 20 July 2024 - 09:47 PM
I ALREADY PRAYED THIS ONE TIME. SO I THE ABSOLUTE AND TRUE G.F.G. ASK YOU THE ABSOLUTE AND TRUE ABSOLUTE AND TRUE CREATOR OF ALL HASHEM THAT YOU MAKE THIS AS LONG AS I AM ALIVE IN THE FLESH A FOR EVER ORDER. I the absolute and true G.F.G. ask you to pray to Hashem that he order the orders out of his mouth, and through his most precious lips out loudly in heaven so that all hear, and that will cause the absolute and true creator of all Hashem, that if they put Jesus Christ, His Holy spirit, or any demon within or upon I the absolute and true G.F.G., that the absolute and true Hashem by his own absolute and true divine hands for ever more strike me down dead at that moment instantly and painlessly in less than a split second on my watch the instant they try such a sottish act. I ask you to thank Hashem. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Posted: 20 July 2024 - 06:40 PM






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