Prayers for the Restoration of the Conspiracy Theory-Conspiracy Research Community, the Truth Movement, the Freedom Movement, and the Traditionalist Catholic Community:
There is a massive problem right now with Satanic cult members (such as Judaism, Zionism, Freemasonry, Illuminati, OTO, etc) and Shadow Government-Deep State operatives (such as FBI operatives, FBI informants, CIA operatives, Mossad operatives, Deep Military operatives, Israeli government operatives, COINTELPRO operatives, etc) infiltrating, subverting, and undermining the Conspiracy Theory-Conspiracy Research community, the Truth movement, the Freedom movement, and the Traditionalist Catholic community. These infiltrators are waging war against the Truth, the Truth about conspiracies, the Truth about cover ups, and the Truth about conspiratorial history. These same infiltrators are also waging war against various conspiracy researchers, investigators, and truth tellers in these movements for the sake of attempting to silence, cancel, and suppress them, their research, and what they have to say. These movements-communities are in serious danger of misdirection and internal collapse because of such Satanic cult and Shadow Government-Deep State infiltration and subversion. It is absolutely essential and dire that the Conspiracy Theory-Conspiracy Research community, the Truth movement, the Freedom movement, and the Traditionalist Catholic community are purged of such Satanic cult infiltrators and such Shadow Government-Deep State infiltrators. The Conspiracy Theory-Conspiracy Research community, the Truth movement, the Freedom movement, and the Traditionalist Catholic community cannot make any progress in the organized effort to abolish all Satanic cults, all organized crime groups, all pedophile cults, the New World Order, the Jew World Order, the Masonic Illuminati NWO agenda, and the Jew World Order agenda until such a purge happens. The Conspiracy Theory-Conspiracy Research community, the Truth movement, the Freedom movement, and the Traditionalist Catholic community cannot make any progress in the organized effort to restore the Holy Catholic Church towards 1570 Traditionalist Catholicism Feeneyism until such a purge happens.
So here is my prayer regarding this matter:
Lord Jesus Christ, please identify and expel all Satanic cult members and all Shadow Government-Deep State operatives from the Conspiracy Theory-Conspiracy Research community, the Truth movement, the Freedom movement, and the Traditionalist Catholic community.